Industrial Vs Mobile Cylinders

Posted by Nick on 22nd Feb 2023

Industrial Vs Mobile Cylinders

Hydraulic cylinders are essential components in many industrial applications, used to generate linear force for moving or controlling equipment. They can be classified as mobile hydraulic cylinders or industrial hydraulic cylinders, each serving specific purposes in different settings.  At Cylinders Now we only currently offer industrial cylinders. In this article, we will explore the differences between mobile and industrial hydraulic cylinders.

Industrial Hydraulic Cylinders:

Industrial hydraulic cylinders are typically larger in size and used in stationary equipment, such as manufacturing machinery, presses, and industrial automation systems.  Most of the time they have tie rods not as commonly found on the mobile cylinder equivalent. They are made to withstand high pressures, extended periods of use, and extreme operating conditions.

Advantages of Industrial Hydraulic Cylinders:

  1. High force output: Industrial hydraulic cylinders are designed to generate high force output, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications that require a large amount of force.
  2. High precision: Industrial hydraulic cylinders offer high precision and accuracy, making them suitable for applications that require precise control and positioning.
  3. Longevity: Industrial hydraulic cylinders are designed to last a long time, even in harsh operating conditions, making them a cost-effective investment.

Mobile Hydraulic Cylinders:

Mobile hydraulic cylinders are typically smaller in size and designed for use in mobile equipment, such as construction vehicles, agricultural machinery, and material handling equipment. They are made to withstand harsh operating conditions, including vibration, shock, and temperature fluctuations, and are often used in outdoor settings.

Advantages of Mobile Hydraulic Cylinders:

  1. Compact and lightweight: Mobile hydraulic cylinders are designed to be compact and lightweight, making them suitable for use in mobile equipment where space is limited.
  2. High performance: Despite their small size, mobile hydraulic cylinders can generate high force and torque, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.
  3. Durable: Mobile hydraulic cylinders are designed to withstand harsh operating conditions, including shock, vibration, and temperature fluctuations.

In conclusion, both mobile and industrial hydraulic cylinders have their unique advantages and are designed to meet specific requirements. While mobile hydraulic cylinders are compact and lightweight, industrial hydraulic cylinders offer high force output, high precision, and longevity. The choice between mobile and industrial hydraulic cylinders will depend on the specific needs of the application.